What Is The Best Wet Dog Foods for Small Dogs?

You may wonder what the best wet dog food is for small dogs? Well great because in this article I will be showing you the best wet dog foods, and telling you some facts about them!
Small Dogs Runs

What I Will Be Talking About Today

So Today I will be showing you the best wet dog foods is, I will be talking about 3 of the best wet dog foods for smaller dogs, and you can trust me that the dog food is great and high quality.

I will break through some facts, about the foods that I will be showing you here today, so that you know if their is any type of risks and what it will help your dog with.

Cesar Classic Dog Food

Cesar is a brand that I buy from and I like them, every time I give it to my dog he eats it and loves it. Just remember you should not feed your dog only wet dog food, if you wonder why than you can read about it on this post What Is The Best Types Of Dog Food? I will not explain why you should’t food your don only wet dog food because this is about the best wet dog foods.

Now Cesar Classic is great for picky eaters, and I know this because my dog is a picky eater, he doesn’t eat much more flavors than beef and other things related to it. So this proves that dogs loves the food. I really like this dog food that Cesar have made.

Facts about Cesar Classic Dog Food

Now Let’s move on to some facts about Cesar Classic Dog Food and explain what they added in the food, I will also show you what and why the food help your dog.

So Let’s start with that the food is grain-free, this is great for dogs with sensitives.

The first ingredient is always meat, but there are also flavors with other ingredients that are not meat, if you wondered even if their are other ingredients like egg (which exist) than they will always featured the meat first always even if their is egg in the food.

Now, what do they have in the food? Well that is a great question, and I am going to tell you what they add in the food.

We start with they add complete amount of vitamins and nutrients, Let’s just explain this a bit more simply for you. What the complete amount means is that their are the perfect amount of vitamins and nutrients that a dog needs to keep them self healthy. Hope that was simple enough.

Now what does the vitamins and nutrients help your dog with? Well let me tell you, and starting with the nutrients.

Now the nutrients is very good for the overall health and immune system, now I know that antioxidants may help more or less than just nutrients but this time Cesar didn’t really tell if they have antioxidants, but I know that nutrients should do the trick.

So what does the vitamins help with? Well they help also with the overall health, and many other things and it is very important. So the vitamins can help with building healthy bones and teeth. Well the results will be different for different vitamins, but this is what it could help with.

Now the meat, overall ingredients are always fresh when they make the food. This makes the food high quality because freshness is a big part when it comes to quality. The food is very tasty for dogs, Cesar even said that the flavor give watering mounts of your dog.

Just want to tell you that Cesar Classic Dog Food is not ONLY for smaller dog breeds, well it is for every dog. If you think that this food is not for smaller dog breeds because it is for almost every dog, well you are wrong, but I understand if you would think that way, and how I know that it is because I have a smaller dog at home.

Pros with Cesar Classic Dog Food?

Cesar Classic is very healthy and this is because of the nutrients and vitamins that can help with the immune system, overall health, building up strong bones and teeth (this is not 100% sure that your dog will get these results).

Now to my favorite part about this dog food are the taste. The flavor is great and my dogs love it including my own dog.

Cons with Cesar Classic Dog Food?

Now what is bad about this dog food? Well I want to say that the food is for every dog can be a bit worse than a dog food that is for only smaller dogs, this is because different dogs needs different nutrients, vitamins and more.

This food has lots of fat, you can see fat around the food and this is not really good for dogs to eat too much off, this is common for canned dog food.

Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food

Instinct is a brand that offers dog food that will satisfy your dogs instincts, so that means the food is packed with meat, andImage of Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food it will be the same with Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food.

Well if you could’t guess already the first ingredient they featured in this food is always meat. This food is great for holding the calories under control when feeding your dog because they have made the calories levels to only meet the needs of a small dog, this means no extra calories.

Facts about Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food

Now to the facts. There are no soy, wheat, corn, by-product meal, potato artificial colors or preservatives, this is because it can be harmful to a dog, like potato, but you can feed your dog potato but it has to be baked or boiled because the raw potatoes has some toxins that can be harmful to dogs.

This food is grain-free and this is great for sensitive dogs, and they have healthy fatty acids called omega fatty acids and this helps a dogs skin and coat, which can lead to a skinnier coat and even cleaner.

The ingredients are the finest and from the USA but it does not really matter that much where the food comes from or made form.

The flavor is good because it is meat, and why meat are the reason well dogs love meat if you didn’t know that.

Now this food is protein rich, and this is great for dogs that are active, because they need more protein to build leaner muscles. Many dog owners what their dog to live healthy and strong life and this food helps with it because proteins are a big step when it comes to muscle building and health.

Now they have other ingredients like fruits and vegetables, this gives your dog the nutrients and vitamins they need to keep them self healthy.

Pros with Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food

Pros with feeding your dog Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food is first of the muscles, the meat contains large amounts of proteins that your dog really needs to first keep them self healthy and even build lean muscles. This is of course great for active dogs.

The flavor is a great thing about the food because it is mostly meat which many dogs like, I know that there might be some dogs that don’t really like meat but I don’t really think that is common, my dog don’t really like the chicken flavor on dry or wet dog food, but he loves beef flavor, but he eats normal chicken that is homemade.

Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food is very healthy, this is because they don’t have any ingredients that can be harmful to your dog, there are no low quality ingredients to which I really like.

Cons with Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food

There have been some dogs that have got diarrhea of the food but this is not so normal and I think that you should not worry, but this can be something to keep in mind.

Some dogs have gotten sick after eating this food but there was not many in fact there was very few of them, but this could be an accident, but this can be important to know.

Halo Small Breed Canned Dog Food

This dog food is very high quality, they first use meat as their first ingredient, and the meat of course is fresh and high quality. They have non-GMO fruits and veggies and nothing from factory farms which is great because this is friendly forImage of Halo Small Breed Canned Dog Food dogs with allergies.

There was not that much to say about Halo Small Breed Canned Dog Food more than they are specially for smaller breeds, but let’s move on to facts.

Facts about Halo Small Breed Canned Dog Food

So I will start with that they have no artificial ingredients in the food, which is one of the most important things to look for when buying high quality dog food, because low quality dog food use artificial ingredients so that the food smells and tastes better than without artificial ingredients, but it is harmful to your dog.

They are rich with antioxidants, proteins and healthy fatty acids like omega fatty acids. Now let’s break through what these ingredients help with.

Antioxidants helps with the immune system, I have mentioned this before, but it can be good to be reminded. Your dog will live healthier and even longer if their immune system gets a boost so this is great.

The Proteins help of course the overall health and mostly the muscles and building leaner and stronger muscles.

The fatty acids help your dogs skin and coat, the skin will get healthier and the coat healthier.

The food is also very smooth and easy to eat and the nutrients that the food has is easier to absorbed than normally does, which is somethings extra.

Pros with Halo Small Breed Canned Dog Food

Contains good amount of proteins, antioxidants and fatty acids, this is great for your dogs health.

The food is high quality because it contains no artificial ingredients that can be harmful to your dog, you can read more why artificial ingredients are harmful to your dog on this article about Harmful Ingredients (not food) says that it is about treats but it is the same with dog food.

Good for immune system which is because of the antioxidants and nutrients but mostly the antioxidants.

Tasty and easy to eat, smaller dogs can’t eat to hard or large bits of food because their jaws are weaker and smaller than a large dog has.

Many dogs like the flavor, this means that the food is good for picky eaters.

Cons with Halo Small Breed Canned Dog Food

Some flavors may not be so good for some dogs, choose the right flavor that your dog likes because they might not like it.

Some buyers have fund mold in the newly fresh food, but it is not common, but can happen.

Some dog owners experience to dog food as bad and made their dog sick, but that is like 12% of every review they got and the rest is good.


I hope that you found this article helpful, and here is a summary of everything we had gone through today.

We have gone through 3 of the best dog foods for small dogs, and those are Halo Small Breed Canned Dog Food, Instinct Original Small Breed Wet Dog Food and Cesar Classic Dog Food. Everyone of these dog foods has featured meat as their first ingredient.

There are people that says that the food is not good and makes their dog sick and others loves the food and want’s to feed their dog with.

I have been showing you pros and cons of every wet dog food, and some facts about each one.

If you have any questions than leave them in the comment section and I will be answering them ASAP, and do you have any feedback or thoughts? Then feel free to leave them in the comments to and I will be answering, I promise that.

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4 thoughts on “What Is The Best Wet Dog Foods for Small Dogs?”

  1. I love that you include the pros and cons of each food and explain what ingredients are included in each. Thanks to your article, I now understand the differences between each type of dog food and how they affect my dog. As an owner of a small dog, I found this article to be very informative and helpful. My dog is 12 years old now and sometimes has difficulty consume hard-to-digest foods. Do you have any food recommendations for a small, elderly dog like mine?”

    • I am glad that you found the post helpful, and I know that elderly dogs can have problems with chewing food, and yes I have dog food that you could use, if you go to chewy.com you can search up some brands that I have been recommending and the type “senior dog”, this will give you great dog food for elderly dogs, my choice is Nulo Freestyle Senior dogs, you can read more about it on another post, it is called What is the best dog food for senior dogs? 


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