What are the best types of dog food?

You maybe buy wet dog food for your dog, but you start to wonder what is the best type of dog foods? And what types are there?

Well great because in this post you will find out what the best types of dog foods there are!

I hope that you will find this article helpful!

What is the best form of dog food?

So let’s start with going through what the best form of dog food is. Well the most common ones are homemade dog food, dry dog food and wet dog food.

What is the difference here? Well, homemade dog food is just food that you have made at home. Like for example, just some potatoes that you made, and you gave it to your dog. There are also some researched chase studies that says that your dog can love you more if you feed them homemade food, but this can be true or not.

Dry dog food is just some regular kibble, and the food is dry and crunchy. Dry dog food is often more feed to older and bigger dogs, because their jaws are stronger than the puppies has. The ingredients are mostly mixed with meat, grains, fruits and more. This can lead to that your dog gets a healthier amount of nutrients than other diet’s does.

The wet dog food is most what it sounds like, it is wet, and wet dog food is mostly canned. Wet dog food is also more common among puppies because wet dog food is easier for them to chew on than the dry dog food is. And wet dog food is often made with frozen or fresh meat. The meat can be lower quality than most dry dog foods has.

So what is the best form? Well, I would say dry dog food, and you can read more about it later.

Is wet or dry dog food better?

Image of dry dog food VS wet dog food

Well, both wet and dry dog food has their own pros and cons.

So let’s go through them and see which one has the best benefits.

And at the end I will be showing you some of the best

Dry dog food

Let’s start with the dry dog food and what the benefits are of it, and what are the things that make it worse.

So let’s begin with the benefits. The benefits of dry dog food is the quality, freshness, popularity and the ratings. And I will go through one by one, and starting with the quality.

At the end, I will be showing you some of the best dry dog foods that matches everything that it needs to match.


The quality of dry dog food is a bit more trusting for me because, in dry dog food you can find many great ingredients, like high quality meat, fat acids, grains, fruits and more.

This mixes between different ingredients helps your dog a lot when come to health and strength. This is because the dry dog food is packed with nutrients, proteins, vitamins and fat acids.

There are also things like antioxidants that help with the immune system.


Now to the freshness, there are brands that don’t really serve fresh food, but I know many brands that serve fresh food, and there are many of them.

This is because the ratings on many products are high in the freshness part. And this means that the product is always fresh, and I can see in some cases that the canned food is not always so fresh.

I have done a post about the best dog food brands so that you know the best brands that you can trust.


Dry dog food is more popular than wet is, and this can be because when people buy dog food, and stumble across a bag of dry dog food that has like 15-lb of food in it, and there is also a can of wet dog food that has like 13-oz.

Which one do you think that the most people would buy? The dry one? I would also think so, because the dry one has more food and would last longer than the wet one (and it is a bit cheaper)


Now to the last part before moving on to the ratings.

The ratings are actually pretty much the same, but if you remember from the last part that was about that the dry dog food was a bit more popular than wet, than I think that the dry dog food would have gotten more ratings from buyer’s than the wet ones. So that is why the ratings are a bit better.

The worst things about dry dog food

Thumbs down image

Now it is time to talk about the worst things about dry dog food, and I will start with that it is bad for puppies, let me explain.

When my dog was a little puppy, we bought normal dry dog food, and it was for puppies, and he didn’t really eat it.

We realized that he didn’t want to eat it because it was hard to chew.

We fixed that problem, but this proves that dry food can be a bit hard to chew for puppies.

Another thing is the quality, and I know that I said that quality is one of the best things about dry dog food, but there are many dog food brands that don’t serve high quality products and I think that should just be careful about it.

Here are some dry dog foods that you can trust and are high quality

Blue Buffalo Life Protection

Wellness Simple

Purina ONE

Nutro Natural Choice

Wet dog food

Now let’s move on to the wet dog food, and we will begin with the benefits and later the worst things about wet dog food. So let’s start with the benefits of wet dog food.

The benefits are the flavor, it lasts longer than dry dog food, and it doesn’t have a huge amount of carbs like dry dog food has.

At the end, I will be showing you some of the best wet dog foods, and they will have all the matches that they need.


So let’s begin with talking about the flavor. And I think that this is because if that the food is wet, why do I think that?

Well water and other liquids can often times absorb flavors a lot, and when you open a can with wet dog food you can see some liquid floating around, the liquid could contain lots of flavor from the food.

Often times, when a dog eats dry dog food and wet dog food, it is more likely that the dog will like the wet dog food more because it is a lot more appetizing for dogs.

Last longer

The next benefit is that wet dog food lasts longer than normal dry dog food does. Why?

Well it is because of the proteins, and there are more reasons, but the meat proteins are actually makes it lasts longer, another thing is the oils and fats that prevent the food from spoiling, and the air tightness, and if you didn’t know already air can make food going bad faster than usual.

Does not have a huge amount of carbs

The last benefit of feeding your dog wet dog food is that it does not contain the same amount of carbs as dry dog food has.

Dry dog food can contain a very high amount of carbs that can be harmful for your dog, but the high quality dog food don’t have that huge amount.

The reasons why is that wet dog food mostly contains meat, and meat don’t really have any carbs at all.

The worst about wet dog food

Now to the worst things about wet dog food, and I will begin with that it is expensive.

Wet dog food can cost around $20-$40, but you get maybe around 20 cans of food, but how long does that last? Your dog can maybe eat everyone up in a short period.

Thumbs down image

One thing that I think that you should be careful about when it comes to buy wet dog food is the quality.

And this is important, many brands can not be trusted, and wet dog food can be made of low quality meat and other ingredients.

Another thing is that it smells terrible, but that is not much for a reason, but a real reason is the amount of fats. There is lots of fat in wet dog food, and it can be bad for a dog.

Here are some great wet dog foods.

Purina ONE SmartBlend Canned Dog Food

Blue Buffalo’s Wet Dog Food

Cesar Wet Dog Food

CANIDAE PURE Canned Dog Food

So after everything, who is better dry or wet?

Well dry dog food would take the win when it comes to the most benefits, but wet dog food is actually slightly healthier than dry, but when it comes to the price and everything, I would say that dry dog food is the best.

What are the 3 types of dog food?

Well, there are actually five types of dog food, but I will go through the 3 biggest types. Let’s start with dry kibble or dry dog food, it is just normal dry dog food that you can find everywhere in stores.

The second one is canned dog food or wet dog food. Many dogs love the flavor, and you can find it in any supermarkets.

The third one was a bit tricky because homemade dog food is more common, but there are one more that are also very big, and it is frizzed dog food.

So I wanted to take to frizzed dog food, and you can find it on the internet or in the supermarkets.

Is it OK to just feed dogs wet food?dog gets wet dog food from owner

NO, I don’t really think that it is good for your dog to only eat wet dog food, and my reasons are that they’re too much fat and can be low quality.

Let me explain, there can be too much fat in wet dog food that can actually hurt your dog, this can not be so good for the heart and other parts.

My other reason is the low quality, and by that I mean that there are many chances that the food can be low quality, so you really need to be careful.

Is it OK to feed a dog dry food onlyOwner gives dog wet dog food

I don’t really think that it is a so good idea to only feed your dog dry dog food, let me explain why.

Dry dog food can contain huge amounts of carbs, and it can be harmful for your dog.

This can be harmful for your dog, I don’t think that you should feed your dog dry food, but I recommend that you maybe feed your dog sometimes homemade food that you made yourself.

Be careful with the ingredients because it can kill your dog. You can read about 20 ingredients that can kill your dog here so that you can be sure on what you shouldn’t feed your dog.


Both dry and wet dog food is great, but wet can be a bit more expensive than dry dog food. Dry dog food can have huge amounts of carbs and it can hurt a dog.

You should not feed your dog only one thing. The three biggest types of dog food is dry kibble, wet dog food and frizzed.

If you have any thoughts, feedback or questions about this article than please leave them in the comments and I will be more than happy to be answering them!

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4 thoughts on “What are the best types of dog food?”

  1. Personally, I prefer to give my dog dry food. I feel like it fills her more and it has better qualities and less unhealthy grains in it. Of course, there are some dry food that are not good for dogs either due to the ingredients, but as dog owners we know what our fur babies like and what’s good for them because we don’t want to compromise their overall health. 

  2. I appreciate this article because we have been wondering about the dog food we use. We do give our dog Purina One which is mentioned as good in the article.  She is licking her paws a lot, so we are thinking we may need to change dog food.  We have not tried wet dog food because of the expense.  We are looking online to see if anyone of the foods you have mentioned are good for reducing the urge to lick paws.  Thanks for this detailed review.  We have not taken the time to do the extensive research you have done.  It was a bit of help.

    • I am glad to hear that this article was helpful. I don’t really know if any of the dog food products that I have mentioned in this article will help your dog stop licking her paw, but I think you should check that out with a vet


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