3 Of The Best Dog Food in Canada

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Do you want to know the best dog food that exist in Canada? Then you are lucky because in this article you will find 3 of the best dog foods in Canada!

So what I will be representing here today is 3 of the best dog foods in Canada, but I will be walking through also some questions.

And there will be some pros and cons so that you know what is bad and good about the dog food you like the most.

And I will also go through what you should be looking for when buying dog food in Canada or anywhere else in the world because it can be very helpful for those that don’t really know what to look for.

Why Are These 3 Dog Foods Better than Others?

Well first the quality, and there are other benefits like the freshness, rating and what buyers say about them.

And I can say that there are not many, but there are some dog owners that don’t like it. One common mistake when they see that a dog food is better than the others, is the thought of allergy friendly.

Not every dog food will be allergy friendly or even good for your dog. There is a review of one of the dog foods that I will be showing you here today, it was about that his dog was nearly killed, and it was because of the food. Now, don’t worry if your dog doesn’t have any diseases or problems.

Many dog owners love these dog foods and I hope that you also will!

What to Look for When Buying Dog Foods All Over The World

You might not think too much about what you should look for, but here are some things that you should look for when buying any dog food if you are in Canada or not.

Look for quality

Quality is one of the most important things to look for when it comes to find great dog food. Because if you don’t buy high quality dog food, there is a risk that your dog can get sick or even killed.

So please be careful!

If you want a good tip on how to find high-quality dog food, then all you will want to do is to look up if the brand or dog food is exceeding AAFCO. If so, then you’re good to go.

Look for rating

Rating is important when it comes to buying from the internet or a store. This is because you get to see what other people think and what their opinion on the dog food is.

Look for Freshness

If the dog food is not freshly made, then the ingredients could be low quality, and this is the same reason if you don’t look for quality.

What Brand Has Made The Food

What is the best dog food brand in Canada, is what you should think of when buying dog food (or your country). People think of this, but also they don’t, the brand actually matters. If you buy dog food from a brand that is known for giving the worst dog food, then you will not be happy with the results.

How to know if the dog food has everything it needs to have

If you want to check out how to know if a product is fresh or not. High or low quality and if it has a good rating is just simply done by searching it up on Amazon or other platforms like Amazon, Chewy is one of those.

You will see ratings, reviews and by looking at the ratings on Amazon you can see what they got for rating on all of these important things, quality, freshness, and rating.

3 Of The Best Dog Foods In Canada Product Reviews

Here are the short dog food reviews in Canada of the 3 best dog foods (in Canada).

1. Orijen Original (Best Overall)

Did you know that Orijen (the brand) is actually from Canada, I have written about them in other articles, here is one of the articles “Top Dog Food Brands“.

You just need to scroll for a bit until you get to Orijen, but if you would like, you could read more.

I really like Orijen, and their food is very natural because there are massive amounts of meat and proteins in the food.

I really like that because I want every dog to have a healthy body and life, and meat/proteins helps with that.

Orijen is great for when it comes to muscle building and health, they are also has lots of nutrients, vitamins and more stuff like antioxidants which helps with the immune system.

→Click here to check out Orijen Original for your self!←

2. Acana Free-Run

Acana Free-Run is a wonderful dog food that is actually a new brand and new dog food that I didn’t really know about.

It can maybe be because I am not from Canada, but this product should be in a few more countries.

This dog food is filled with nutrients vitamins and more stuff, like proteins and antioxidants that will boost the muscles, overall health and immune system a lot.

They use only fresh and high quality meat in the products and that is something that you should look for. What the ingredients are.

→Click here to check out Acana Free-Run for your self!←

3. Canada Fresh Dog Food

Canada Fresh Dog Food is also a new brand and dog food that I found. They mostly serve canned dog food instead of dry dog food, which I know many dog owners would really like to serve. But this time it is wet and don’t get it wrong because it is still great for your dog. Just don’t feed them wet dog food too often.

Canada Fresh Dog Food is a lot more appetizing for your dog, and it is because it is wet dog food. I don’t really want to explain too much, and I think that many wants that too. So if you would like to know more than just read this other article that I wrote, What Are The Best Types Of Dog Food?

This dog food has lots of protein and other stuff like vitamins and minerals.

→Click here so that you can check Canada Fresh Dog Food for your self!←

Pros and Cons for the Orijen Original

Now I will be showing you the pros and cons for Orijen Original (the number 1 dog food)


  • Dogs love it
  • Many buyers love the product
  • Healthy for dogs


  • Can KILL your dog, a dog owner bought the food for his dog, and she got kidney failure, but don’t worry she was sensitive or just very allergic.
  • Smells bad
  • Expensive

Pros and cons for Acana Free-Run

Here are the pros and cons of Acana Free-Run.


  • Healthy.
  • Many dogs like it.
  • Many like the dog food.


  • People have found bones in the food.
  • Not good for dogs with heart diseases.
  • Some dogs won’t eat it.

Pros and cons for Canada Fresh Dog Food

Here are the pros and cons for Canada Fresh Dog Food.


  • Many dogs like the food
  • Many dog owners like the dog food
  • Use healthy Fats


  • Some dogs may not really like the flavor
  • Can be unhealthy if you feed it too much to your dog
  • Not that easy to find or get

Answering many common questions around 3 Of The Best Dog Food In Canada

Here are some commonly asked questions about 3 Of The Best Dog Food In Canada.

Is Canadian dog food better than American dog food?

I would say a yes on this, but I will explain.

Canada don’t have so much low quality dog food, and many dogs love Canadian dog food more because of the quality. So that is why I would say a yes on this question. And this of course means that America have lower quality dog food.

Is dog food expensive in Canada?

It actually depends a lot on what dog food, but this dog foods that I have been showing here is pretty expensive, specially Orijen. But it can cost around $1100 a year! That is a lot of money, but to be fair, dogs eat a lot and America and other countries have also expensive dog food.

Is Royal Canin made in Canada?

Well, Royal Canin’s place is situated around Toronto in Canada, but the food can be made in other countries. But the answer can be a yes and a no, it depends most on where you live.

What is the best dog food in Canada?

This answer is very mixed, some say it is Acana some say it is Smack and others say other brands like Royal Canin. But what I have concluded is that Orijen Original tends to be the favored and the best in Canada.

What is the top dog foods made in Canada?

There are lots of dog food made in Canada, but the top dog foods are probably Acana, Royal Canin and Orijen Original.


You have been seeking for the best dog food reviews on Canada’s dog food. So that concludes our list of 3 Of The Best Dog Food In Canada, I have been explained everything you need to know today.

If you have any questions to this article then I will be happy to answer them, you can also leave feedback and thoughts if you would like that. 

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2 thoughts on “3 Of The Best Dog Food in Canada”

  1. This is an incredibly helpful and informative post about the best dog food in Canada! It covers all the important information, from what to look for when buying the best food to the pros and cons of each of the three foods listed. It’s a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about dog food. I recommend this blog post to anyone looking for the best dog food in Canada!

    • I am glad to hear that you found the post helpful, Steve! I will be post more of these kinds of posts. Thanks for your feedback, if there is anything else you want to know then let me know!


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